Call Us: 028 754 3343

From 8:00 to 17:00 (Mon-Fri) RSA

Call Us: 028 754 3343

From 8:00 to 17:00 (Mon-Fri) RSA


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R 0.00
All the equipment you need to collect fresh bait.

Bait Collecting (35)

Casting Nets

R 649.90

Water Bucket

R 229.90

Hip Bait Bucket

R 89.90

Fishing Buddy Livebait...

R 269.90

Bait Bucket

R 99.90

Huike H3 Live...

R 649.90

Aerator Air Pump...

R 109.90

Fishing Buddy Bait...

R 99.90

Aerator Air Pump...

R 319.90

Fun Tackle Waist...

R 119.90

Fukai Weighted Squid...

R 59.90R 89.90

Fishing Buddy Floating...

R 299.90

Sensation Aerator

R 179.90

Rapala Battery Aerator

R 299.90

Fishman Fukai Shika

R 69.90

Mustad Sabiki Jigs...

R 39.90

Mustad Sabiki Jigs...

R 39.90

Stainless Bait Pump

R 1,299.90

Sabiki Rig

R 24.90

Asai Shika

R 89.90